HyTHERMO Technology
Best elimination of all contaminants down to 0.001 micron
New generation of personal air purification, kills in one single pass 99,9% of Covid-19, other viruses like Influenza, RSV, Rhino and bacteria. Helps to give back a normal daily life with clean air quality.
Developed in Europe with highest quality in mind. Best elimination of contaminants down to 0.001 micron.
Not an ordinary one
Killer Ernst is not an ordinary air purifier. It offers modular highly optimized exchangeable filter cartridges, making the device adaptable to any pandemic circumstances now and in future. It is a real killer, not just a filter, where particles do stick in the filter.

KillerErnst® with HyThermo filter cartridge kills and eliminats 99,9% of all contaminants down to the small size of 0.001 micron (Corona-virus = 0.1µm, Bacillus bacteria = 0.3µm)
A new generation of personal air purification, kills in one single pass 99,9% of Covid-19, Influenza, RSV, Rhino or any other viruses and bacteria. Helps to give back a normal daily life with clean air quality.
HyThermo filter – heating up to 250 C kills all virus, bacteria and spores passing through. Multi-step hard and software security, adapts to air quality and activity surrounding Killer Ernst

Scientifically tested in a WHO accredited microbiological laboratory
While tests with other air purifiers only count particles, the HyTHERMO Technology was tested in a high-security microbiological laboratory with H1N1- and Ardeno-viruses and we got it scientifically confirmed, it works efficient as none of the viruses survived.
Produced by ISO certified Company. [In Process]

Motion Sensors, Air intake on 4 sides
KillerErnst® does have motion sensors on all four sides enables smart operation. Less people in a room: lover air cleaning and circulation.
Compact design, but big in performance 180m3/h. Optimized airflow with air glide technology. Air intake on all four sides (3600 degree).

Low noise
Engineered air flow on air in- and outtake results in low noise level (45db)

Smart or controlled by Vita App or Voice Control
Simple control and use with app or voice control on Alexa, Siri, or Google Assist.
Killer Ernst can be operated either with HyTHERMO switched on to kill all viruses, bacteria or spores in one single run, or it can be run in the power save mode, then only the HEPA 13 and the F7 pre-filtration works for you.
HyThermo vs. HEPA air filters
HEPA filters can usually do what the manufacturers of these air purifiers claim. Many can trap 99.9% of such particles that are large enough. This size is around 5-10 µm (micrometers) or even finer.
HEPA filters trap contaminants and hold them in the filter until the filter is removed, cleaned and / or safely disposed.
But if many of the finer particles are caught, they very quickly clog the HEPA filter and soon require manual cleaning or replacement. If HEPA filters are used, a larger surface area is required to capture and purify a desired amount of air. The result is a significantly higher energy consumption.
¹ the HEPA filter-material will quickly becomes saturated when catching aerosols.
² to remove viruses as small as 0.1µm the filter requires a very large surface area that would become clogged ultra fast. It requires huge amount of energy to operate. Killer Ernst® with HyThermo® Filter-Technology is much more effective and can be build smaller in volume.
3 only removes particles, odors evaporate into the air as they are to small for the filter to capture
4 the smoke is producing VOC’s that HEPA filters cannot catch
HEPA Filter
Fine particles
Organic compounds
HyThermo (R)
Fine particles
Organic compounds
Filter degradation over time
If an effectiveness of 99.9% is stated for air filters with HEPA filters, this may be correct for a newly installed filter, but it only applies to larger and medium-sized particles, usually not to the smallest particles, which also include the COVID-19 viruses with 0.1µm.
If HEPA filters with ultra-small pores are used, the air flow rate is drastically reduced while filters quickly become clogged.
1 washing of pre-filters required on a weekly basis. HEPA Filters depending on micron size capture ratings. Fine rating weekly/monthly, coarse rating monthly or at least by-annually. Of all air cleaning solutions does PECO filters have the worst consumer product reviews.
2 UV light air purifiers do have serviceable pre filters, UV-bulbs get contaminated, coated and lose their effectiveness over time, UV light needs cleaning processing monthly, they require a slow airstream with long contact time (1mtr/sec) energy consumption can be as high as 2.000-4.000 watts when air volume cleaned is compared against HyThermo®.
3 Killer Ernst Model S with HyThermo® starts within seconds purifying the air (Killer Ernst Model S 180m3/hr), catching and killing all sizes of contaminants in a single pass (10 to 0.001 micron in sizes). HyThermo® filter eliminates particles, not just catches them like PECO or HEPA . The re-circulation of cleaned air means that the HEPA pre filter installed will last much longer.

HyThermo offers the best values
In terms of lifetime and service, Killer Ernst® with its innovative HyThermo® technology has the best values, i.e. the longest service intervals.
UV-Light is not suitable in air purifiers
UV light is not effective immediately, it takes a long exposure to light to become effective. However, this is rarely the case with an air flow in air purifiers.
The air needs to be exposed to light for as long as possible, this is known as the DWELL time.
Light must be of sufficient intensity and require large amounts of energy (high wattage = high cost). In almost all cases, UV tubes are used because UV LEDs are still far too expensive and cannot generate the necessary power.
UV filters are mostly large systems, they react slowly and unreliably. Not much is achieved with one pass of air; a result can only be measured after many passes.
UV light is well suited for cleaning surfaces with a longer exposure time, but not for quickly cleaning air in the air purifier.
UV radiation can cause skin irritation and damage the eyes (The World Health Organization).
UV light does not kill the microorganisms, but can change “” strands “” that form the helical structure of DNA / RNA and thus inactivate them.
Contact Us
Please get in touch with us at Vitality. Our experts team will be glad to answer all your questions.
We protect your data accordingly to our privacy declaration.

Address in GERMANY
Bergholz 4
Building 2
94 469 Deggendorf, Germany
+49 (0) 163 197 88 88
Address in USA
801 Pennsylvania Ave. NW,
Unit 1112
Washington DC 20004 USA